Saturday, December 25, 2010

Ashtanga Yoga 3: Patanjali Yoga Sutras 80 - Nithyananda Morning Satsang ...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Something Cool by Clara Bellino

Something Cool by Clara Bellino

A sample of the brilliant work of my friend Clara Bellino..check her out on Myspace..

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Summer almost over

Summer is about over and time to prepare for the fall ,and make plans for the winter.
This was the lowest key summer I have ever experienced personally , but the world events
kept me very awake and glued to my computer screen. Numerous earthquakes over 5.0 all over the globe,some devasting cities beyond repair,Tsunamis warnings as numerous as the earthquakes,volcanoes erupting from their slumber,floods reeking havock as in the time of Noah,oil Volcanoe of the gulf of Mexico left everyone in disbelief ,in a state of absolute horror with all of the dead sea life,washing ashore on beaches and ways of life lost forever. Even out first amendment rights under siege under the BP control of the oil volcanoe.It has been a devastating summer for so many in the world millions left homeless and living under the stars
without any definite means of support or food in sight. Some  hiding inside their homes for fear
of the deadly fumes from Corexit spraying,fumes from oil itself and the absolute unknown.
The economy realing from international collapses ,new immigration laws in America threatening her residents very life and being rushed away to who knoThe horror of the summer of 2010 and it is not over yet .Seven more days to go. ..Still folks glued to underwater vids on youtube of now the "blob under the sea",some even calling it an unclean spirit waiting to be born.
Or the deadly methane explosion hype that went viral and was scarier than a ride at Great America theme park.So God is good we are still here.I

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Birgitta Jónsdóttir: For the Love of Water

Birgitta Jónsdóttir: For the Love of Water: "Please watch this important film about privatization of water and if this is shocking to you, please join those that are trying to stop this..."

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

President Obama Stopped by Solyndra

Well yesterday in the early morning hours I received a call from the Police Department with a message of  a Red alert".Red alert "I m thinking in my half awake state"what now?" they mentioned something about a certain road being closed use alternate routes. After a few minutes I put two and two together and I realized President Obama was  about to be in town and that must be what all the Red alert was about,not another major disaster. So yes I was correct ,as today I saw on the web the Solyndra Press conference given by the President ,with out Govenor Arnold Swartzenhegar attending . It was the first time I remember any President visiting our area, in a real out reach to the people manner.That was so exciting to me and made me proud to be an American even with all of the  very strange things going on in our country. Early this morning I did hear planes that sounded like those World War II movies, flying low and with that heavy sound of engines roaring and about to drop a bomb.When the president comes to town so does the Protective Forces that surround him. I didnt go snooping around trying to see him at the Solar Panel Plant as ,I was satisfied to see him on the net.We sure have an elegant president. I hope he and his first lady have a chance to return to Napa Valley for their second honeymoon. It seems our beautiful state of California agrees with our presidencial family, I think somehow it will not be last we are blessed with a visit from of our  President Barack Obama.Thank You for visiting .God Bless America.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Walk it out in the Spring time

Its almost the end of Spring time so get outside and walk off the stresses of the day.Spring time is a great
opportunity to shed that winter coat that has been making it difficult to squeeze into your favorite skinny jeans.
Another aspect of winters weight extra that kept you warm,is the emotional weight that can build up from
being in doors so many hours ,which can lead to emotional eating,boredom eating,snacking and hanging out
in front of the computer for so many hours .Its a great time to reset your bodies metabolism ,and drop a few pounds to get ready for summers unforgiving bikini season.
 Ward off winters depressions and lack of oxygen get outside ,walk in nature she will rejuvenate you with
natural breezes and vitamin D sunshine.The more we oxygenate our bodies the less likely we are to be ill.
Drink lots of spring water along the way to shed more of those toxins..
Get outside and breath the fresh air and maybe even bump into  the love of your life along the way.
Happy strolling in the Spring flowers.
Mariposakisses Chronicles. Have a beautiful Spring.

Walk it out enjoy spring time

UFO Spiral in the sky seen and heard across Western Canada

Pr. Obama - BP Oil Disaster Commission Announced

Video of BP Oil Blaze, Rig sinking into Gulf of Mexico

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

International Debt forgiveness for everyone on earth

Well today I was thinking after reading more horror stories of Bank bail outs in Europe, now after having just created the European Union and the Euro. It seems we should have world wide debt forgiveness for everyone and every country  on the Earth.No more bail outs or taking up false debts ,no more creating false events to create unrest .International Debt forgiveness. Fresh start for humanity, without genocide or useless suffering.
Everyone keeps their retirement funds ,keeps their savings,everyone keeps their pensions and pension earnings and social security or maybe something that pays better .
Thats my solution debt forgiveness for everyone on earth .Stop the violence.Peace on Earth.

Monday, May 3, 2010


So the beginning of the year was off to an amazing start worked 3 months straight ,of course not everyday but working on TV shows,commercials and on Films does not entail a typical 9-5 its more like 6am-8pm kind of hours ,with unpredictable days known for working and weather can take over and we are driving to locations hours away in storms this past winter and arriving to a town , waiting for the rain to stop so we can start shooting.. All quite unpredictable. We all are so used to this kind of life style that it is no problem for us to drive anywhere in any weather much like the mail , and arrive to do our jobs camera ready,dressed in wardrobe and shooting the project at hand.. its quite amazing how resilient we show business people are.
Its no wonder our personal lives take such a hit, when we are completely addicted to this way of life and would not have it any other way.Its not as glamorous as it is a rugged type of life,dressing in trailers in any location , sometimes tents and just making it happen.
Well in a moment of pause now , not sure why but with so many systemic changes going on its hard not to be hit in the  entertainment industry.And sometimes ones look may be hot and suddenly it another type needed..
Just no telling what the deal is.Or what game is a foot in regards to politics and such.
Peace out for now .Hopefully this bloggers journal will continue..Have a blessed day.

my first blogger release is already closed down and considered spam

My first blogger release that was under another title is considered spam, how can that be when I didnt even send it to anyone? and I just used the tools here on this website .. so over it... Just BS... there are people with a whole page of crap just to raise money that is definitely spam and its considered journalism... so I will write this as crappy as I can , to copy the style in which I see is considered blogging journalism to appease the blogging zar of the blogger service.. I guess it wasnt cheesy enough for their taste ..signing off to see if this page is more in the vain of expression and free speech acceptable , to this so called free space for expression...out Mariposa not so sunny...